Monday, September 23, 2013

Falling In Love Again

No, I haven’t found a potential significant other. 

Rather, I’ve fallen in love with where I live all over again. This is my first full summer here for many, many years. When I worked, I traveled and was more gone than here. This is what helped me “survive” the summer. But really it deprived me. I don’t care what the weather man says about rainfall this summer. It was, and still is, green everywhere. Flowers abounded in waves as the rain windows opened up. Skies not to be believed. So lush.  So vast. Gorgeous sunsets and moonrises have rekindled my love.

I show you all these pictures, too many, like new parents in love with their baby or the artist in the throes of infatuation with a new lover. We can’t help ourselves. Those of us falling in love again. We think you are just as interested we are. 


  1. I love it! I loved the monsoon season in Arizona, too. Beautiful photos! Mary Orton

  2. Thanks Mary. I'm glad I could bring a little bit of those sense memories back!

  3. GREAT photos, Joan! Who needs a hubby when you have the desert to love, anyway?

  4. The photos are almost as spectacular as that voice of yours: "Those of us falling in love again. We think you are just as interested we are..." 100% pure Joan. Who doesn't feel better after a dose of you?! Sending a giant hug from the Bagel Belt.

  5. Thank you Ellie! A high compliment from one as lyrical as you! OX
